PUT odata/Classifieds(xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx)
Updates all properties of a single Classified object.
Request Information
Request body formats
application/json, text/json
{ "Country": "United States", "State": "NV", "City": "Las Vegas", "Location": "231 Main Street", "CategoryID": 1, "Level": "Normal", "Compensation": "19.9900", "Title": "This is sample Classified title", "Description": "This is sample Classified description", "ExpirationDate": "2013-10-25T17:35:51.3254388-07:00", "SiteName": "SampleSite" }Important Note: All other, not specified properties will be erased for that Media object. For incremental updates please use PATCH Api.
Response Information
HTTP/1.1 204 No Content