GET odata/Site?$filter={x}|$select={x}|$orderby={x}|$top={x}|$skip={x}|$count=true

Applies one of the OData operators to Site objects. For the full list of operators with their sample usage please see OData documentation.

Response Information

Response body formats

application/json, text/json

Sample for GET odata/Site?$filter=SiteName eq 'SampleSite'
    "odata.metadata": "$metadata#Site",
    "value": [
            "SiteName": "SampleSite",
            "AdminUserId": null,
            "Author": "Author's Name",
            "TemplateName": "Big Business",
            "IsEntireSitePublic": false,
            "RequiresRegistration": false,
            "DisablePublicComments": false,
            "DisablePublicRating": null,
            "IsHidden": null,
            "IsDemo": null,
            "HeaderTitle": "This is sample website with rather long title",
            "HeaderSubTitle": "Header SubTitle to change",
            "HeaderShortInfo": "<h4>Short Info</h4>
<p>Text here can be changed.<br />Text here can be changed.<br />Text here can be changed.<br />Text here can be changed.</p>",
            "HeaderImage": "/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD/2w=",
            "HeaderImageType": "image/jpeg",
            "HeaderIsImage": false,
            "FooterText": "Footer text to change",
            "HomePageTextSide": "<p>This is side page</p>",
            "HomePagerTextMain": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",
            "LoginPageText": "Login page text to change",
            "ValidSubscriptionName": "Platinum (US)",
            "CreatedTime": "2013-01-30T18:44:45.257",
            "UpdatedTime": "2013-07-29T19:06:42.863",
            "Blog_PostsPerPage": null,
            "Blog_ShowPostPreviews": false,
            "FunFact_HideDates": false,
            "CurrentFormID": "6df5e4cb-0544-4603-94f3-8cb23cf1a97b",
            "SeoTitle": null,
            "SeoMetaTags": "<meta name="title" content="Test">
<meta name="description" content="test">",
            "RunSetupSiteWizard": false,
            "Country": null,
            "Source": null,
            "IPAddress": null

application/json, text/json

Sample for GET odata/Site?$select=Author
    "odata.metadata": "$metadata#Site&$select=Author",
    "value": [
            "Author": "Author's Name"

application/json, text/json

Sample for GET odata/Site?$count=true
    "odata.metadata": "$metadata#Site",
    "odata.count": "2",
    "value": [
            "SiteName": "SampleSite",
            "AdminUserId": null,
            "Author": "Author's Name",
            "TemplateName": "Big Business",
            "IsEntireSitePublic": false,
            "SiteName": "OtherSampleSite",
            "AdminUserId": null,
            "Author": "Author's Name",
            "TemplateName": "Big Business",
            "IsEntireSitePublic": false,