GET odata/FormResults?$filter={x}|$select={x}|$orderby={x}|$top={x}|$skip={x}|$count=true
Applies one of the OData operators to FunFact objects. For the full list of operators with their sample usage please see OData documentation.
Response Information
Response body formats
application/json, text/json
Sample for GET odata/FormResults?$filter=SiteName eq 'SampleSite'
{ "@odata.metadata": "$metadata#FormResults", "value": [ { "FormResultsID": "a21478f5-f17b-4ccf-a620-42d3bf168551", "FormID": null, "SiteName": "SampleSite", "Approved" : true, "ApprovalNote" : "good to go", "FormName": "Form from Unit Tests", "Results": "", "CreatedTime": "2016-09-11T23:47:23.2657281-07:00" } ] } Jason
application/json, text/json
Sample for GET odata/FormResults?$select=Title,SiteName
{ "@odata.context": "http://sampleserver/odata/$metadata#FormResults(FormName,SiteName)", "value": [ { "FormName": "Contact - Basic", "SiteName": "SampleSite" }, { "FormName": "Contact - Basic", "SiteName": "SampleSite" }, { "FormName": "Updated Form Name", "SiteName": "SampleSite" } ] }